Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic Surgery

We are thrilled to announce that we are now offering ACL (anterior cruciate
ligament) surgeries for both dogs and cats. Our experienced team of veterinarians
and highly skilled staff are dedicated to providing exceptional care and advanced
surgical solutions for your beloved pets.

What is an ACL Injury?

ACL injuries are common among dogs and cats, often resulting from sudden
movements, high-impact activities, or age-related degeneration. These injuries can
cause pain, discomfort, and limited mobility, significantly affecting your pet’s quality
of life. At VetMED Veterinary Hospital, we understand the importance of helping
your furry friends regain their mobility and get back to their active, happy selves.

What you can expect:

Our ACL surgeries are performed with precision and care, utilizing state-of-the-art
techniques and equipment. Our veterinarians have undergone specialized training
in orthopedic surgery, ensuring that your pet receives the highest standard of care
throughout the entire treatment process.

  • Comprehensive Evaluations: Our experienced veterinarians will conduct
    thorough examinations and diagnostics to assess the severity of your pet’s
    ACL injury. We will take into consideration your pet’s overall health, age, size,
    and lifestyle to develop a personalized treatment plan.
  • Surgical Expertise: Our veterinary surgeons have extensive experience in
    performing ACL surgeries. They employ the latest surgical techniques to
    repair the torn ligament, restore joint stability, and promote optimal healing.
  • Pain Management: We understand that managing pain is crucial for your pet’s
    comfort and recovery. Our team will implement tailored pain management
    protocols to ensure that your furry friend remains as comfortable as possible
    during their healing process.
  • Postoperative Care: After the surgery, our dedicated team will provide
    detailed instructions on at-home care, including medication administration,
    physical therapy exercises, and follow-up appointments. We are committed to
    supporting you every step of the way, from surgery to rehabilitation.

Contact Us

At VetMED Veterinary Hospital, we prioritize the well-being of your furry family
members. Our compassionate team is dedicated to delivering the highest level of
care, ensuring that your pets receive the best possible treatment for their ACL
injuries. We are committed to helping them bounce back, enjoying an active and
pain-free life once again.

If you suspect your dog or cat may have an ACL injury or would like to learn more
about our ACL surgeries, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our friendly staff is here to
answer your questions and schedule a consultation with one of our veterinary
experts. Trust VetMED Veterinary Hospital to provide the care your pets deserve.